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Development at Midmar

Plans for development

A local developer has been working up plans for an extensive development of the paddock.


As of December 2024, no application for planning permission has yet been lodged, but a key plan has been circulated showing a Masterplan for the proposed development. More detailed plans have been shown to the Morningside Ward’s four city councillors, but these plans are not in the public domain.


Although details have not been released, the plans include two substantial detached houses, a large private care home and six special needs flats plus various amenities such as a publicly available café, children’s play area, and toilets. There would also be a very extensive car park, and 82 allotments on the northern and eastern sides of the field. The remaining land to the south might be transferred to the Council or the community.


The Masterplan, right, indicates where the development could be located.

Paddock development plan

What an application might involve

The development being proposed, apparently extending over two hectares, is classified as a major development under the Town and Country Planning (Hierarchy of Developments) (Scotland) Regulations 2009. This triggers a requirement for a Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) with the local community.


Where a PAC is required, the prospective applicant must provide to the planning authority a Proposal of Application Notice at least 12 weeks prior to the submission of an application for planning permission. That notice must include the following information:


  • a description in general terms of the development to be carried out;

  • the postal address of the development site, if it has one;

  • a plan showing the outline of the site at which the development is to be carried out, and sufficient to identify the site;

  • detail as to how the prospective applicant may be contacted and corresponded with; and

  • an account of what consultation the prospective applicant proposes to undertake, when such consultation is to take place, with whom and what form it will take. This should include steps in addition to the statutory minimum for consultation.


During the 12-week period, two public consultations must be arranged. These must be advertised in the local press and a notice served on the relevant Community Council, in this case, Morningside Community Council, notifying them of the proposals.


Once the consultations are completed, the developer must submit a written PAC Report of the public consultations along with the relevant planning application.


More information

Scottish Planning Series - Planning Circular 3/2013: Development management procedures sets out more details about the process.


City of Edinburgh Council - Information on the Pre-Application Consultation Process outlines the process for applicants and the public.

How to comment on and object to planning applications

You can view and comment on the City of Edinburgh Council's planning applications here.


The council also provides guides on how to search applications, and how to comment on applications.

I think they should fill in the brown space and reclaim old properties rather than build on valuable green space.

I hope planners listen to what people want - no destruction of natural beauty.

Please leave the paddock as it is and protect it for the future!

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